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Derek Sheely

Derek Sheeley-In Memoriam

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Derek Sheeley-In Memoriam

In Memory of Derek Sheely

On October 19, 2012, several thousands of Northwest High School faithful cheered on the Jags as they matched up against league rival, the Einstein Titans, in a 42-14 rout. Although everyone came out to root for the home team, they were also there to participate in the ceremony that was to follow. They had come to plant an oak tree and dedicate a plaque in honor of Derek Sheely.

Sheely, a former star athlete at Northwest High School, went on to attend Frostburg State University.

He had a big heart, a great smile, and a passion for helping others. He was a standout athlete who played on both sides on the field and when you met him, a ray of sunshine engulfed his presence. On August 22, 2011, at football practice during his senior season at Frostburg State University, Derek suffered a traumatic brain injury (TBI) and died one week later.

The ceremony was led by former Northwest High School football coach, Andrew Fields, who delivered a emotional speech. Coach Fields told the crowd, “We have planted Derek’s oak facing the stadium so that his presence may always provide protection for all athletes in its shadow.”

Each year, school-related contact sports cause about four million concussions. Student athletes participating in football, soccer, and ice hockey are most likely to end up in the emergency room as a result of such brain injuries. In the case of Sheely, it is a sad and unfortunate ending, but with the help of his parents, coaches, team mates and friends, his life and legacy will serve as a reminder about TBIs and the devastating effect they can have on families.

In an interview with Derek’s mother, Kristen Sheely, SAFEO learned what the dedication meant to her and about the Foundation she launched in Derek’s name. “It was very difficult for my husband and me. Being at the school and around all his friends and teammates, brought back many memories,” said the grieving mom. In October 2011, Derek’s parents formed The Derek Sheely Foundation in order to educate young athletes and their parents about concussions.

The Foundation is dedicated to increasing awareness about TBIs and research directed towards informing young athletes ages 5-18, their parents, and coaches to the signs, symptoms, dangers, and prevention of sports-related concussions.

“We started the foundation to keep my son’s legacy alive,” said Kristen. One of the Foundation’s signature components is its “Concussion Awareness Kit.” Each kit contains age-appropriate information, such as a specially-designed pamphlet to provide young athletes the facts and answers about concussions; reminders about concussion awareness, such as wristbands, magnets, and pens; and more detailed information from the Centers for Disease Control “Heads Up” Program.

The Foundation has conducted The First Annual Derek Sheely LEAD THE WAY 4.0-Mile Race and 1-Mile walk which raised over $10,000. They have plans to launch a campaign called “40 for 40,” which symbolizes Derek’s jersey number. To learn more about the Derek Sheely Foundation, or how you can volunteer or donate, visit www.thedereksheelyfoundation.org for more information.

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